Thursday, 24 March 2011

What is a Durian?

Durian fruit

MRT fines - durian will
cost S$500 for eating

So here in Southeast Asia there is this fruit called the durian which is regarded as the "king of fruits." The fruit has a hard, thorny outer shell with a soft inner flesh. I have never heard anything about it prior to coming to Singapore but people who the local people whom we have spoken with said that people from the west can't stand the fruit due to it's odor when opened. Well in my head I am saying to myself that it can't be to bad, comparing it to raw tuna or rotten onions both of which I can't stand the smell. Knowing that the smell must be bad, the MRT (Singapore's subway) has a sign prior to entering, stating no durian or there will be a fine of S$500 which is enforced. It is also a delicacy as they have week long durian festivals throughout the year and a single piece of fruit can cost up to S$25 which is similar to a melon in size. When the festivals occur the scent is so strong that you can smell the durian from a couple kilometers away. So Lor and I went for ice cream a couple days ago and saw that they had durian ice cream. Being adventurous I asked for a taste sample on the little wooden stick. Wow was that a bad decision, even though their was no odor the taste was awful. It tasted like a wet, sweaty sock being rung out after a long run on a damp, overcast spring morning. Now after tasting I told Lor that it wasn't bad and that I saved her a taste, not giving away my disgust for the fruit. She tried it as well and instantly had a gag reflex to the taste. Not even does it taste bad but the after taste just lingers. So now that I have tasted durian, I am safe to say that both Lor and I will not have it again in the near future. But if you are in the supermarket anytime soon and run into an odd looking fruit called a durian, buy it and give it a try.

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